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Artbees Blog

Curtis McHale

Planning Your Business: Start on the right foot to avoid failure

Running your own business is the dream, isn’t it? It’s one filled with freedom and fun. Sure there

Four Things Your Business Requires to be Successful

Many of you will be starting out on your business life from a job. In fact, if you’re

Should You Begin Your Career by Starting Your Own Business?

We’ve read so many stories of people being successful either after dropping out of college or just after

Successful Business Owners Aren’t Victims

I'm the oldest of 3 children, all boys. We were an unruly bunch. We spent lots of time

Why a Solid Business is Built on Boundaries

In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport introduces us to a term called Any-Benefit Thinking. He uses it in

Negotiating Work Seasons With Your Spouse

Late in 2016 I had a coaching client who proudly told me that she and her husband had

Hey WordPress Businesses, What Does Your Warranty Stand For?

They say that something like 80% of software and web design projects fail. If you said you'd be

4 Reasons Your WordPress Business Isn’t Getting Leads

If you're on my email list the first email you're going to get asks a simple question. It

4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Define Your Ideal Client

When you get started running your web business it’s pretty common for you to take any client that